lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Groups in Facebook

Hi boys and girls!! Please look for your group in Facebook, just click on your group here and add yourself to the group, tell about this to all your classmates please!!

Group 237B
Group 254A

Have an excellent week!!! :D

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Group 237B

Hi guys! Don't forget to do the homework and post it in your blog ok.
1. Correct the 4 sentences about the short story "Lazy Susan"
2. Write a post about your favorite sport or the sport you prefer.
3. Look up the vocabulary in a dictionary and write the meanings in english (in your notebook)

See you!!

sábado, 14 de enero de 2012

Homework No. 1

Hi guys!!! This is the first homework for groups: 247A and 254A.

You have to check and study the  list of verbs,just click on LIST OF VERBS also you can print it to bring it to class.
Good luck and excellent weekend!!

jueves, 12 de enero de 2012


Welcome dear students!!! This is a space specially for you, where you can find material we use in class and different links to help you study at home. Enjoy it!!!